My campaign and subsequent election to Glenwood Springs City Council has impacted my blogging, both in time and substance. However, during my campaign, one thing I said I would do was to periodically recap what Council has been doing. This blog will highlight some of the events of the last 37 days since I was sworn in. It has been a whirlwind!
Fellow Council member Steve Davis and I teamed up to visit with every department at the City of Glenwood during the first month. It was truly an eye opener! In all we met with at least 20 departments or areas over multiple days, usually spending at least one and a half to two hours with each area. Both Steve and I are convinced that this is something Council members should do every couple of years. I still need to sign up for a ride-along with Police Chief Terry Wilson’s crew, but it is something I intend to do.
The Bridge . . .
Somehow I think this will show up in every update from now on. We are currently working on agreements that will move the project forward. We approved a Memorandum of Agreement, or MOA concerning the protection and mitigation of sensitive historic structures, and aesthetic treatment of the bridge. (May 7, 2015) Other agreements including joint use agreements and maintenance and operations agreements are coming.
I attended an open house April 27th at the library presented by the Downtown Development Association (DDA) on the planned improvements under and near the new bridge. The reaction I heard was they still needed quite a bit of work. Lisa Neuman, a former Disney designer, presented some alternative designs in the lobby of the library, which generally met with more public approval – at least from what I heard.
Improvements suggested by the DDA along Cooper Avenue met with more favorable responses.
Leslie Bethel, Executive Director of the DDA, presented information to Council at a work session May 21 on design elements to be incorporated into the Grand Avenue Bridge. Council was generally pleased with the direction the aesthetics seem to be moving. There is a bit of disappointment that the sandstone we hoped to be used along the entire length of the outside of the bridge cannot be used. Because of the movement within the bridge, there does not seem to be a cost effective way to attach it in a way that it will not pop off, creating a potential problem to motorists along I-70.
Organizational Change.
Council voted to eliminate the in-house City Attorney position and outsource legal services. Many thanks to Jan Shute for her years of service as City Attorney.
Alternative Pedestrian Connection for 7th Street.
At the urging of Councilman Steve Davis, work has begun on making what is essentially a very large culvert usable to pedestrians when walking from the downtown and meeting up with pedestrian path along the Roaring Fork by the old wastewater treatment plant in the confluence area. Public works is putting a hard surface and a new fence in this area.
This will be fantastic for folks parking in the public parking lot along 7th and heading to summer music in Two Rivers Park. I’ll let you know when that is completed.
City property/GSES Land Swap Election.
Council has authorized a special election in November that would allow a trade for the city property currently occupied by the recycle center and city storage facilities for Vogelaar Park. This would be good for GSES as it fits well with their master plan for the site, allowing for better traffic and bus circulation, as well as taking a first step to allow the city to move forward with plans for the Confluence area.
8th Street Connection.
City staff has heard from Union Pacific Railroad that their preferred alignment of 8th Street is a straight alignment. However, they have not completed their review of the 30% design submitted several months ago, so we wait. Senators Michael Bennett and Scott Tipton have both contacted UPRR asking for their cooperation in making a timely decision.
RFTA Access Control Plan
There seems to be some movement to seek additional opinions about the best method to protect the trail. From my perspective, as a Glenwood Springs Councilor, we need to protect the rights of the property owners in the Cole Subdivision as well as being able to connect and cross the trail that runs through and impacts Glenwood Springs. More to come on this important issue.
Marijuana Regulations.
Currently the hot topic is the regulations surrounding retail marijuana. Councilor Steve Davis, Police Chief Terry Wilson and I met with a group of neighbors in the area of 11th and Cooper to discuss the impact of the retail marijuana stores on their neighborhood. I have also received several calls and emails concerning this issue. At the City Council meeting May 21, we heard from residents and business owners as well as representatives from Youth Zone. Based on concerns and a need to review the regulations, we have scheduled a special meeting on Tuesday, May 26th at 9 a.m. to consider an emergency ordinance to enact a temporary moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications of marijuana establishments. From there, we will make plans for a review of our current regulations.
Goal Setting.
Council met in an all day session Monday, May 18 to identify some key goals for the next two years. I will have more information on this in another post within a day or two.
Development Code Update.
(Also a City Council Goal) This is very important for our community. Council, just before the election, chose to begin the process by requesting an RFQ be prepared by Community Development. As Chair of the Planning Commission I, and other commission members, have requested this for several years. I will give you an update as soon as I hear something.
Stop Signs at 7th and Colorado.
Council approved installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of 7th Street and Colorado Avenue. Site distance is compromised at that intersection making it difficult for vehicles and pedestrians to negotiate safely. Additionally, it is causing backups along Colorado as people attempt left hand turns off Colorado. I will give you more information on the timing on this installation a little later.
Other issues that I have been made aware of or that have come before City Council:
Blake Street Gate near Walmart: A final decision has not been made to open this gate but it is budgeted for 2015 and preliminary design work is being done. This will be an agenda item in the very near future so stay tuned.
Fluoridation levels. Currently the city staff is waiting for State directives to change before making changes to our current fluoridation levels.
Development of Mountain Biking Trails on Red Mountain, South Canyon and Iron Mountain. Funds have been allocated for a study of the South Canyon and Red Mountain areas. Watch for additional information.
Hot Water Issues at Manor I – HUD housing. Issues
Glenwood Annual City Cleanup – I have been made aware of issues with this including illegal dumping of items by non-residents and other issues. Is it time to look at other options?
And finally some issues that I have requested be placed on future agendas:
Sales Tax Vendor Fee Reinstatement
Budget Process
Discretionary Grant/Tourism Grant Process
There are other things that we are working on and I will be trying to update everyone at least monthly, if not more often.
Other Items:
Boards & Commissions Mayor Michael Gamba will officially make appointments to city boards and commissions at the next regular City Council meeting. However, it looks like I will be serving as an alternate to the Transportation Commission and RFTA Board, and the representative to the Financial Advisory Board, the Northwest Council of Governments and Club 20. I am excited to work with these groups to help make positive changes for Glenwood Springs.
I also had the privilege to participate with students from Glenwood Springs High School in Project Citizen. My thanks to Wayne Smith and his students for allowing me to take part in the final presentations of their projects. I hope to be able to continue to engage students in our schools at all levels.
Please contact me about any issue you wish to discuss. (970) 379-4849 or email me at I would be happy to talk with you at any time.