“Pet” Project – Dog Park

We love our pets! While I have been out knocking on doors and visiting with people throughout Glenwood, one thing is clear . . . folks in Glenwood love our critters.   That was abundantly clear to me this morning as I took a stroll along the Rio Grand Trail.  Lots of pooches and their two-legged pals were enjoying the beautiful spring weather.

I am no exception to the critter craze.  My household currently consists of two dogs, a Goldendoodle (a stray that found us)  and a Cairn Terrier mix (a rescue) , three cockatiels and a green-cheek Amazon parrot. Not too long ago it also included two cats and an African Grey parrot.  Sadly my two cats departed for the rainbow bridge at the ages of 15 & 17.  My African Grey was a victim of the listeria outbreak a few years ago.  He loved fruit and cantaloupe was a wonderful treat.

In most households, my knock on the door is met with at least one “dog alarm” letting their owner know someone is there.  One of my opponents has said he will advocate for a dog park for our furry friends – a noble cause. From a photo I have seen, it looks like he may have a Cairn Terrier as well. I am sure he realizes that Glenwood has a dog park and dog run along the Rio Grand Trail, just south of the high school. Playing in the park

Is this ideal? No – for a number of reasons but three that are important. 

Access: To get to this park you must walk along the Rio Grande trail. There is limited parking across from the High School football field and the access is not great. This could be a problem if you are disabled.

Services: Apparently there is no water and no shade.  According to Tom Barnes, Glenwood Springs’ Parks and Recreation Director, the soil is very poor in that  area, making growing trees or grass difficult.  I only saw one lonely park bench for pet parents, in the middle of the play area for the larger dogs.Human amenities

Security:  Because it is along the trail there is no one nearby to monitor the activity in this area. In some areas the fence appears to have holes or gaps that could allow escape.

According to Mr. Barnes, the park site was based on citizen advocates and funded by the city in conjunction with donation of time and materials. He mentioned, and I agree that there are probably better options. He noted health concerns with pets that are not properly vaccinated and cared for.   

Dogs saying goodbyeSo what part does the city have in fixing this problem, particularly when the budget is tight and  needs are high?  Should this be a priority? Mr. Barnes indicated a willingness to work with community members to find better options. This is not an ideal place for this park and we and our fuzzy companions would probably be better served if this park were in another location that was more accessible and could be better monitored. But, again, the city is under very tight budget constraints and where does this fit in?

Mr. Barnes stated “Change does not take time, it takes commitment”.  It is going to take commitment from pet advocates, dog owners, and businesses to make such a change happen. 

My suggestion is that the Parks and Recreation Commission, along with the Parks and Rec Department and a representative local veterinarian and three interested citizens/businesses determine three viable alternatives for this park.  The fourth alternative is to leave it where it is and do nothing at this time. From that, Council will make a decision after hearing public input.

The criteria for selection and final determination should include a brief SWOT analysis, resource requirements from the city (money, personnel and equipment), availability to water and electric, potential for shade, access to the site and access and location within the city, security and a committed volunteer group or sponsor to not only help build, but maintain and monitor this park. This is not an outside study. This is a brief 2-3 hour exercise.

I would recommend looking for sponsorships for ongoing funding for this park.  Those could come from national organization such as Purina, Petco, or local businesses such as veterinarian offices, Colorado Animal Rescue (CARE), HighTails or Shaggy Dog. This is a unique opportunity for a truly public/private partnership.  Perhaps some budding or existing entrepreneur or group would be willing to partner with the City for an adjacent doggie daycare facility and could serve as monitoring agent.

The possibilities are endless and from my wanderings around town, it is apparent that we in Glenwood Springs  love our dogs. You may have other suggestions on our dog park and if so, I would love to hear them.  The bottom line is that the City cannot do this alone particularly when there are so many other pressing needs.  It seems there are enough dog lovers that truly want this.  If so, then it will take some creative thought and commitment. With that commitment and a public/private partnership, we could have a world-class dog park. It is all about creating places that people (and their pets) want to be!

Issues: FOUR Ways to Support Our Business Community

Support our local business community to insure a strong community!

1. Reinstate the Sales Tax Service Fee

In 2009, due to the economic downturn the city eliminated the two percent service fee (also known as a vendor fee) that had been allowed. This fee represents the portion of the sales tax retained by the business to cover the cost of collecting and remitting the sales tax.

Sales tax is up within the city and nearing pre-recession levels. It is time for the city to reinstate the Service Fee. It is one way the city can support the businesses that keep Glenwood Springs vibrant.

2. Rework the Discretionary Grant Process

The Acquisitions and Improvement Tax approved by voters in 1998 included a provision for a discretionary fund. $140,407 has been allocated in the 2015 budget

Although the city’s web page does not specify, over the years these funds have been largely used for human service grants to entities like Lift Up, Feed My Sheep, Catholic Charities, etc. While absolutely worthwhile, human services entities generally have a variety of other funding sources. However, many of these entities have come to assume these funds will be awarded in at least the same amount, if not greater, year after year.

GrantsAdditionally, currently there is little accountability or reporting required of these entities to assure funds are being used for the purpose intended. I would recommend that any group, business, charity, or other not be funded for more than two consecutive years. Additionally, any entity receiving funding should be prepared to file a report documenting the use of the funds. Any entity not meeting the filing requirements will not be eligible for funding for a two year period. These are normal requirements for grants.

Additionally, in order to assist our business community through the Grand Avenue Bridge construction, I would recommend, that beginning with the 2016 budget, at least half of the discretionary funding be earmarked for local businesses. With the 2017 & 2018 I would recommend that three-quarters of the discretionary fund be funneled into local businesses. The application process, reporting and restrictions would follow the revised discretionary grant process. Funds could be used for improvements such as awning replacement, repainting, remodeling and refreshing an alley entrance or facade improvements.

Once construction is completed, we need to re-evaluate the process to see what the needs of the community require.

3. Re-write Land Use Code

The regulations are complex, confusing and, in some cases contradictory. InvestorsIt is time to rewrite the land use codes which include sign and parking codes. We need to clarify and simplify this information. Investors in businesses in Glenwood need to be able to move forward, clearly knowing what is expected of them when they want to build, expand, move or upgrade. Glenwood Springs currently has commercial design standards. However, a search on the website simply refers one to the municipal code or to various minutes from City Council or the Planning Commission.

There is no need to lower our standards. In fact, they could be tightened. However, they must be clear and concise. Staff has been working on a technical specification manual. Due to some other major projects, they have not completed it. Keep staff working on the major issues, but move this forward and take it off of staff’s plate by outsourcing the writing of this manual and of the Land Use Code.

4. Provide Great Community Places

While last on this list, this may be one of the most important elements of supporting the business community. People drive the economy and people are attracted to lively, vibrant community places. Revitalizing areas as has been done along 7th Street is critical to supporting our business community. It is important to provide places where people feel safe and connected.

Currently the DDA is exploring revitalization of Cooper, between 7th and 8th as well as the alley Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 9.43.50 PMways between 7th and 8th and Cooper and Colorado. Areas on the north side of 7th and the area on 6th between Pine and Laurel are also areas of focus. These visions are wonderful. But we need to make them a reality. We also need to focus on other areas of Glewood including West Glenwood and South Glenwood and the Confluence area. We are one community and as we make each area of our town stronger the entire town will benefit.

According to CommunityBuilders.net vital communities have elements that connect people where they live to where they shop and work and play. They are truly walkable community spaces. It is of critical importance that the city of Glenwood be the catalyst to providing these great community places.